World Book day Storytelling Chair for Library

World Book Day is a day that is celebrated every year in over 100 countries around the world. It is a day when people come together to celebrate the joy of reading and the power of books. At the heart of this celebration is the idea that books can transport us to new worlds, introduce us to new characters, and help us to explore the depths of our imaginations.

This World Book Day, Aldwyn Primary School library decided to celebrate by commisioning us to build a wooden storytelling chair. The chair was designed to look like a throne, with tall backrests. It was the perfect place for children to sit and listen to stories.

But the real magic of the storytelling chair came alive when the children stood around it, dressed as their favourite book characters. The children dressed in all sorts of costumes, from wizards and witches to superheroes and princesses. 

As the children stood around the storytelling chair, they looked like a sea of characters from different books, all brought together in one place. The atmosphere was electric, as the children chatted excitedly about their favourite books and characters.

This storytelling chair will become the centerpiece of our World Book Day celebrations. It will be a place where children will come together and share their love of books, and where the power of storytelling could truly come to life.